When we generate an attitude of gratitude wondrous things begin to happen because the Universe matches the energy of the feelings that come from thinking that way.
Appreciation is like a GIANT MAGNET that brings more positives into our lives.
Here are some mantras you can use to affirm a positive tone in your home:
- “I will make a decision to look for things that I want to see. I will focus on what I want, not on what I don’t want.”
- “It feels so good to appreciate. I will consciously look for things to appreciate in each of my children.”
- “All is really well…exactly as it is in this moment. If I knew everything will turn out the way I want, what would I think and do right now?”
- “I am exactly where I am supposed to be and my child is exactly where he/she is supposed to be.”
- “Nothing is more important than that I feel good. Nothing is going to spoil this moment.”
You may also be interested in downloading our Meditations for Parents MP3
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