by Sandi Schwartz | Jan 14, 2015 | Nuggets of Wisdom, Young Children
1. Set up consistent, predictable routines. Be careful not to confuse this with being rigid. You are aiming for a safe and nurturing environment where children know what to expect. 2. Have clear, consistent, age appropriate expectations. Children will...
by Melissa Schwartz | Nov 4, 2014 | Inspiration, Nuggets of Wisdom, Young Children
Most disagreements and misunderstandings come from different perspectives. We each experience life through our own unique filtering system and what appears to be absolute truth to one person may take on a totally different view to someone else. It is only natural that...
by Sandi Schwartz | Oct 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Say the word ‘discipline’ out loud three times quickly. Which part of the word gets the most emphasis? The ‘dis’ part. I looked up the meaning of the expression ‘diss’. Popular agreement seems to be that it means to insult someone;...
by Sandi Schwartz | Oct 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
I asked my daughter to put some of my favorite songs in my iPhone. She showed me how to create a playlist and told me I had the ability to listen to the songs in any order that felt good for me. I was entering a whole new world using this technology and I had...
by Sandi Schwartz | Oct 20, 2014 | Daily Love Nuggets, Inspiration, Nuggets of Wisdom, Uncategorized, Young Children
Children who are labeled as ‘highly sensitive,’ ‘intense reactors,’ or ‘overly emotional,’ may actually be empaths. Parents who have never experienced what it feels like to take in the overload of energy that constantly surrounds us are likely to misunderstand their...