by Sandi Schwartz | Jan 26, 2015 | Inspiration, Nuggets of Wisdom, Young Children
This weekend I had the privilege of meeting an amazing dad. Our chance interchange happened as I was walking through the booths of a local photography exhibit. I stopped to admire some photos and the man started to tell me about his work. He said he had always...
by Sandi Schwartz | Jan 26, 2015 | Uncategorized
I have a routine in the early morning that includes sipping a cup of coffee while checking my emails. Usually my dog is content to eat his breakfast and curl up on the floor while I’m deep in concentration. This morning he seemed to be off a bit… whining… wanting my...
by Sandi Schwartz | Oct 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
What would happen if you had a crystal ball and you knew *for sure* that everything would turn out just right? You could stop fussing and enjoy the moment. You might breathe deeper and notice your mind chatter dissipate. Perhaps you’d feel eager with...
by Sandi Schwartz | Oct 20, 2014 | Inspiration, Nuggets of Wisdom, Young Children
Ah; how many times has a parent felt taken for granted? Children seem to just expect that laundry will be done, food will be prepared, they will be chauffeured to activities and the ‘stuff’ of daily living will be taken care of…. The remedy for TFG...
by Sandi Schwartz | Mar 3, 2014 | Nuggets of Wisdom
We still carry our little girls around inside of us and our physical, emotional and spiritual history sometimes gets in the way of being the mother we dreamed of being. Moms are just little girls who grew into a bigger body. Becoming a mom is a rite of passage that...