by Sandi Schwartz | Jan 26, 2015 | Inspiration, Nuggets of Wisdom
Each of us experiences thoughts and emotions that trigger us to disconnect from our sense of balance and clarity. Most parents believe that it is their children’s behavior that is responsible for the way they think and feel. This illusion gives all the power for...
by Sandi Schwartz | Jan 26, 2015 | Daily Love Nuggets, Inspiration, Young Children
Whenever I meet someone who is creative, artistic, or moving through life to the beat of a somewhat different drum, I wonder what it was like to be that person’s mother. Just in case you are, indeed, the parent of a child who might experience the world a bit...
by Sandi Schwartz | Jan 26, 2015 | Daily Love Nuggets, Inspiration
I just came in from working in my garden. I usually leave the pruning and planting up to the talents of my husband but my perfectionist tendencies kicked in and I could no longer feel appreciation for the beauty that prevailed. I was immersed in noticing what needed...
by Sandi Schwartz | Jan 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
When we generate an attitude of gratitude wondrous things begin to happen because the Universe matches the energy of the feelings that come from thinking that way. Appreciation is like a GIANT MAGNET that brings more positives into our lives. Here are some mantras you...
by Sandi Schwartz | Nov 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
The words of this Native American prayer remind me of a form of Universal Wisdom which says that every time you are aware of something you don’t want you become highly aware of what you do want. I have come to realize that all great wisdom resonates with a form of...