It is human to sometimes feel like we can’t handle any more. It may be about a particular situation, a certain relationship or life in general. While it is healthy to recognize when you are at your ‘wits end’ and can’t take any more, it is also a cop out to leave it there and not look at your own opportunity for growth.

I remember times with my mom where my intention was to open up a conversation about the opinions she offered when we were in public. There were times when she just wasn’t aware that her remarks were inappropriate. She became defensive when I told her that her comments made other people uncomfortable. Her response usually sounded like this: “I just won’t say anything.” or “Nothing I say is ever right.”

Whenever we find ourselves having an extreme response to life, that is an indication that we are in a disconnected place. Rarely is someone else or a situation going to change to make it easier for us.

When my mom’s response was defensive, hurt and angry I would have my own exaggerated reaction and I would hear myself say, “That’s it. I’m done. I’m not trying anymore.”

It was always easier for me to see where my mom needed to change. I was blind to the reflection of myself that I was seeing in her. It is always so much more obvious to see where someone else needs to do some work!

When you sense yourself saying, “That’s it. I’m done.” it just means you have a golden opportunity to learn more about yourself and take your humanity to a higher level.


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