1. Children come through our bodies but we can never control their emotions or their spirit. We can unconsciously disempower & confuse their spirit.
2. When we train children to please others we teach them to lose themselves.
3. Your way is not the only way. You can release your ego & fear, thus encouraging your child to find his/her own path.
4. Free yourself from what other people think.
5. Always separate behavior from feelings of self worth.
6. Children mimic what they see, hear and feel. Be conscious of what you are modeling for your child.
7. Children need clear limits and consistent expectations. When their needs are met and they feel appreciated rather than controlled, they tend to be more cooperative.
8. Soothe yourself before you respond to them. You teach through your energy.
9. Parent from your heart. Give your head a chance to catch up to your heart.
10. When you learn to trust your inner guidance and realize the power of your mind, you discover the true path to parenting greatness.
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“Children mimic what they see, hear and feel. Be conscious of what you are modeling for your child.”
This really hit home for me. Sometimes I see my young son behaving in a way that I consider inappropriate, but this makes me realize that he must be learning the behavior somewhere. It is from me, I have been parenting with a Do As I Say attitude. I hated when my own father parented that way and I realize that I am doing the same. THank you for helping me see where I can make a change.
My sister in law forwarded this link to me, I like the philosophy of it.
Thanks sandi, I took one of your classes and find the website very helpful.
These “Nuggets of Wisdom” are great. I’m the parent of a wonderful 18 month old girl with a beautiful soul. The last thing I would want to do is crush her spirit. So, I’m wondering… how do I (first time mom) make sure I don’t train her to please others and separate behaviour from feelings of self-worth. She’s a strong personality already at this age and I want her to keep that. Any suggestions??? Please email or twitter!
Dear Onesie Mommy,
Ah…18 months old! Your beautiful little girl must be a busy explorer. Her inner being is thrilled with all the wondrous opportunities to touch, taste, climb and investigate! Your intention to support her beautiful little soul comes with you validating the inner guidance which is encouraging her to be a very busy and confident adventurer. Set up your home environment in a way that encourages this stage in her development so that she is safe. When she moves towards something that may be dangerous re direct her to something that is appropriate and safe for her age. If she becomes frustrated or angry, acknowledge her feelings.
In a gentle and fun loving way continue to re direct her attention. If she needs soothing, give her the warmth of your understanding. Be conscious of giving her messages that communicate the joy of what she has done, who she is, what she discovered and do not make the messages about pleasing you or being a ‘good girl.’
Children with ‘strong personalities’ must feel the freedom of self empowerment. Give her choices when possible. Never take her behavior personally. And most important~ do whatever you can to keep yourself in alignment with your own inner guidance and sense of well being. As you stay connected to your Source, wisdom will flow through you.
Big Hugs,