Our Work as Parents

Our role as parents is not to please others so they will complement us on the good job we are doing in raising well behaved kids. Our purpose is to support and unconditionally love our children as they discover who they are, who they came to be and to give them the...


The new little babies come into life knowing their value. They trust they are enough. Toddlers are certain that they are deserving of the best that life has to offer them and from their vantage point they expect to have it all! So when do we start believing that we...

Emotional Mindfulness

;”>When you talk to your children about your own emotional reactions (what you were thinking and how it made you feel), you let them know that we can shift how we see and interpret things. ;”>By modeling this emotionally mindful way of being, our...

Positive Behavior

  It just comes with parenting!  It seems so easy to notice when our kids are behaving in ways that need improvement. While there are many things over which we have no control, the following are ten key elements that set the tone for positive behavior.  Notice...

Finding Your Power

  Recently I was presenting a parenting seminar when a dad asked for help understanding his three year old daughter’s behavior at breakfast that morning. This is the way he described what happened: “…My daughter was sitting on my lap, eating her cereal, when I...