by Sandi Schwartz | Nov 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
The words of this Native American prayer remind me of a form of Universal Wisdom which says that every time you are aware of something you don’t want you become highly aware of what you do want. I have come to realize that all great wisdom resonates with a form of...
by Sandi Schwartz | Oct 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
The people who are closest to us, the ones we open our heart and soul to, are the ones who can push our buttons and create a surge of turbulence through our very being. If we can learn how to remove the ‘charge’ that kicks in when our kids roll their eyes,...
by Sandi Schwartz | Dec 3, 2013 | Daily Love Nuggets, Nuggets of Wisdom
Imagine the gift we would give to ourselves, our family and the world if we could release living in judgment of others and instead sought to understand. When we are willing to look at any situation from a different vantage point we broaden our ability to value...
by Sandi Schwartz | Dec 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
;”>When you talk to your children about your own emotional reactions (what you were thinking and how it made you feel), you let them know that we can shift how we see and interpret things. ;”>By modeling this emotionally mindful way of being, our...
by Sandi Schwartz | Sep 4, 2013 | Inspiration
Fear can be paralyzing. It can insidiously creep into your mind and take over your body, making you doubt yourself, squash your joy and leave your dreams unfulfilled. Sometimes it appears with the force of a racket that is triggered by a catastrophic event, reeking...