Positive Behavior

  It just comes with parenting!  It seems so easy to notice when our kids are behaving in ways that need improvement. While there are many things over which we have no control, the following are ten key elements that set the tone for positive behavior.  Notice...

Finding Your Power

  Recently I was presenting a parenting seminar when a dad asked for help understanding his three year old daughter’s behavior at breakfast that morning. This is the way he described what happened: “…My daughter was sitting on my lap, eating her cereal, when I...

The Song of A Child

I recently heard about a tribe in Africa that celebrates a beautiful tradition and I want to share it with you all. When a woman can sense that she is ready to become a mother she finds a quiet place where she can sit in silence and she waits until she hears a melody...

Spring~ A Time of Miracles

mir·a·cle noun /ˈmirikəl/ 1. A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency I would like to suggest that miracles are happening all around us and I encourage you to...

Building Self Esteem

  Modern parents have so much to think about! They worry about their children’s grades, bullies on the playground, the negative influence of the media and too much time spent on computers and electronic games. Instead of worrying about the things over which they...

Politics, Religion and Spanking

There are three topics that should never be discussed on a beautiful sunny day: politics, religion and spanking. “Do you believe in spanking?” That was the question I was recently asked while enjoying a boat ride around San Diego harbor. It was soon after this...

A Promise to Our Children~

I will never treat you like you are my property or that your role in life is to please me or soothe my fears and worries. I know that I am merely a soul who is experiencing life in a human body and just because you’ve physically come through me does not mean...

Lying to Our Children

Now that the holidays are neatly tucked away behind us it may be safe for me to bring up a touchy subject:  the way grown ups lie to children about Santa Claus. Before you have a meltdown at the mere thought of reflecting on the lies we tell children, take a breath. ...

10 Nuggets of Wisdom

1. Children come through our bodies but we can never control their emotions or their spirit. We can unconsciously disempower & confuse their spirit. 2. When we train children to please others we teach them to lose themselves. 3. Your way is not the only way. You...

Mind Chatter

You do not want your children to behave well because they fear you. You want them to make good choices because it feels good, because they want to and because they are in their own power when they do so. YOUR WORK is to shift the mind-chatter that takes their behavior...