The Art of Appreciation

Become an appreciation detective! Model for your children, through your own behavior, the power of appreciation. Seek out reason to be thankful for throughout your day. Look for the good in everyone and every situation that you encounter. Teach your children through...

Our Work as Parents

Our role as parents is not to please others so they will complement us on the good job we are doing in raising well behaved kids. Our purpose is to support and unconditionally love our children as they discover who they are, who they came to be and to give them the...


The new little babies come into life knowing their value. They trust they are enough. Toddlers are certain that they are deserving of the best that life has to offer them and from their vantage point they expect to have it all! So when do we start believing that we...

Lit With Joy

I can’t get this question out of my mind: “When your children walk into the room do your eyes light up with joy?” I work with so many parents and grandparents who search for ways to enrich their children’s self esteem. I usually suggest they...


Imagine the gift we would give to ourselves, our family and the world if we could release living in judgment of others and instead sought to understand. When we are willing to look at any situation from a different vantage point we broaden our ability to value...

Emotional Mindfulness

;”>When you talk to your children about your own emotional reactions (what you were thinking and how it made you feel), you let them know that we can shift how we see and interpret things. ;”>By modeling this emotionally mindful way of being, our...

That’s it, I’m done.

It is human to sometimes feel like we can’t handle any more. It may be about a particular situation, a certain relationship or life in general. While it is healthy to recognize when you are at your ‘wits end’ and can’t take any more, it is also...

Love or Fear

As parents we know how it feels to love our children and to also worry about them. I have learned, however, that while we can experience sensing the feelings of love and fear we cannot live in both at the same time. What does this actually mean? It translates in the...

A Lesson About Fear

Fear can be paralyzing. It can insidiously creep into your mind and take over your body, making you doubt yourself, squash your joy and leave your dreams unfulfilled. Sometimes it appears with the force of a racket that is triggered by a catastrophic event, reeking...

A Time For Technology

Parents worry about their children spending too much time on computer toys and games. I have been observing parents and children when it comes to technology and I must share a few thoughts: Children need opportunities to run and jump, ride bikes and use their...

Living From the Inside Out

Just about everything makes me think about parenting and relationships. Today it was the laundry. Since my mind works in metaphors I started thinking about the similarities and differences between laundry and parenting. They both are never ending and seem to run in...

Same Opportunity, Different Experience

I was sitting in the lounge area, waiting for my car to be washed when two moms walked in, each with a little boy. The children were about 3 years old. I could sense that a nugget was quickly developing. One mom was engaged in conversation with her child, explaining...

Parenting Magic

To be a parent is to taste the agony and ecstasy of being human. It is more complicated than many of us thought it would be ~ Especially when you have a challenging child. Parenting can reduce successful men and women into a stressful state of confusion. Adults who...

Worry Less, Love More

I used to think that a good mother was supposed to worry. After all, how can you love your children and not worry about them? My mother worried about me—all of the time. In fact, I grew up equating love with worry. I have even accused my husband at times of not...

Temper Tantrums- A Conscious Approach

If your child throws temper tantrums what are the best ways for a parent to nurture a new behavior? The way you approach a child who is having a tantrum depends on what you perceive is actually happening.  If you are embarrassed by it or believe that the child is...

Living With ADHD

Each human being comes into life hard wired with his/her own unique blueprint. It is the intricacies of this design that determine the way we perceive and interact with the world. When parents experience life through a blueprint that makes it easy for them to...