Giving Away Our Power

“If only the kids would act differently, I’d feel better.” We also think, “If only my partner, my friend, my sibling, my parent, my boss, my president would act differently I would feel better.” Whenever we turn our well being over to the...

The Myth of Perfection

I just came in from working in my garden. I usually leave the pruning and planting up to the talents of my husband but my perfectionist tendencies kicked in and I could no longer feel appreciation for the beauty that prevailed. I was immersed in noticing what needed...

Mantras for Parents

When we generate an attitude of gratitude wondrous things begin to happen because the Universe matches the energy of the feelings that come from thinking that way. Appreciation is like a GIANT MAGNET that brings more positives into our lives. Here are some mantras you...

Flashes of Connectedness

Parents often brush their child’s cries for validation of their worth aside. Adults are so focused on their own issues that they forget to appreciate the essence of the child’s perceptions. They can become so consumed with the pressures of modern living,...

Universal Wisdom

The words of this Native American prayer remind me of a form of Universal Wisdom which says that every time you are aware of something you don’t want you become highly aware of what you do want. I have come to realize that all great wisdom resonates with a form of...