Giving Away Our Power

“If only the kids would act differently, I’d feel better.” We also think, “If only my partner, my friend, my sibling, my parent, my boss, my president would act differently I would feel better.” Whenever we turn our well being over to the...

The Myth of Perfection

I just came in from working in my garden. I usually leave the pruning and planting up to the talents of my husband but my perfectionist tendencies kicked in and I could no longer feel appreciation for the beauty that prevailed. I was immersed in noticing what needed...

One Tiny Shift

This past weekend we experienced an extraordinary event. Around the world we moved a number on our clocks and now our entire day is affected by the shift. This made me think about the power of one tiny shift. Just wonder… what would happen if we were willing to...


Most disagreements and misunderstandings come from different perspectives. We each experience life through our own unique filtering system and what appears to be absolute truth to one person may take on a totally different view to someone else. It is only natural that...